How streaming on twitch helped me with avoidant personality disorder

Exactly two years ago today (not exactly, just roughly) I started streaming on Twitch. I had, at that time, just communicated to my doctor that I still felt like I had mental issues severely impacting my quality of life and overall happiness. I knew getting into therapy would take a while, let alone “completing” it, and I was determined to already make some changes in my life in anticipation, especially since my partner had just before completed her own therapy…

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What I mean when I say I’m nonbinary

Gonna preface this with a little disclaimer that I’m going to mention things here that may be sensitive to some, that I’m using the language of a thing which for most of my life I was on the sidelines simply supporting, but only recently joined myself, that there are people who are more well versed in this, more eloquent, and more importantly have a better understanding of the importance of being exact with your language. This post is an attempt…

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