Today is the Day Too

(2022) A companion piece to the Today is the Day zine. A digital visual poem. A rumination on a phrase and its many possible meanings. Made with support from twitch subscribers and donators.

BINÄRPILOT – You Can’t Stop Da Funk Album Art

A Zine For Adults in 2021 and Beyond

(2021) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.

A Handful of Recurring Dreams

(2020) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.

(2014 – 2020) A series of colorful abstract images made with Art Machine.

Fonts for GB Studio

(2019 – 2020) A selection of modified fonts for use with GB Studio projects.


(2019) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.

All My Bedrooms (and several memories within)

(2019) A small game about my childhood made with GB Studio.

Triad of Fonts

(2017 – 2018) Three techy typefaces made for various purposes.

Adam Winbald Presents: How to Feminism

(2014) A simple parody game mocking a certain celebrity supporter of a harassment campaign. Made in HaxeFlixel and Flash.

Screenshot of Adam Winbald Presents: How to Feminism
Screenshot of Adam Winbald Presents: How to Feminism



(2014) An infinite Breakout clone made in HaxeFlixel and Flash for Ludum Dare 31.

Title screen of BREAK|  |THROUGH
Screenshot of BREAK|  |THROUGH


Empty Museum

(2014) A simply and stylized first person procedural infinite walker made in Unity for 7DFPS and PROCJAM.

Title screen of Empty Museum


Dissecting the Transhuman Experience in Deus Ex: Human Revolution

(2013) Master’s thesis for my degree in literature and culture at the University of Amsterdam.

Holiday Pogo

(2013) A Christmas themed reskin of Komodo Kangaroo made with Flixel and Flash.

Title screen of Holiday Pogo
Screenshot of Holiday Pogo


Huh, A Thought

(2023) A digital zine made in collaboration with livestream chat for the Electric Zine Jam. Made with Electric Zine Maker.


(2022) A digital zine made in collaboration with livestream chat. Made with Electric Zine Maker.

BINÄRPILOT YouTube Vizualizations

(2021) Glitchy vizualizations made for the entire BINÄRPILOT discography.

Death: Of the Caquetio

(2021) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.

Today is the Day

(2021) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.

Follow Who You Follow

(2020) A simple game/twitter simulator made with GB Studio for Ludum Dare 47.

HTML5 Reader for Electric Zine Maker

(2019 – 2021) A JavaScript/HTML5 based template to make zines with Electric Zine Maker easily readable and shareable on the web.


(2019) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.


(2019) A digital zine made with Electric Zine Maker.

One For You

(2019) A small game to celebrate my anniversary with my beloved. Made with Bitsy.

Glitchpixel Wallpaper Set

(2014) A curated set of colorful abstract wallpapers in several resolutions. Made with Art Machine.


(2014) A small color based platformer made in Unity for the Space Cowboy Jam.

Bifrost logo



(2014) A reflex game made with HaxeFlixel for Android.

Stupid Useless Legend of Candyface

(2014) A simple arcade game made in HaxeFlixel and Flash for CandyJam.

Title screen of Stupid Useless Legend of Candyface
Screenshot of Stupid Useless Legend of Candyface


Dusty Remains

(2013) A small platformer made with HaxeFlixel for Ludum Dare 28.

Komodo Kangaroo

(2013) A small platformer where the gimmick is you can only jump to move around. Made with Flixel and Flash.

Title screen of Komodo Kangaroo
Screenshot of Komodo Kangaroo


Outer Space Hot Rod

(2013) A sidescrolling physics based racing/trials game.

Title screen of Outer Space Hot Rod
Screenshot of Outer Space Hot Rod



(LOST TO TIME) In rememberance to all the projects uncompleted, erased from the internet, imprisoned on broken hard drives and dusty notebooks, not considered worthy of this list, left behind, and forgotten by me entirely. You are forever lost and forgotten, but I will forever be grateful. Without you I would not be.